About Us

Online gambling has a long history and over time it has evolved from taking bets in some grand Colosseum to rolling dice at the corner, of a street to placing bets in the confines of a casino building and now you can enjoy easy online gambling easily online. The many options have also made it more difficult for the average user to choose a fitting casino operator. That is why we created New Casino with the aim to provide the best overview of available new casino sites in the UK.


From the comfort of your own home, you can now visit an online casino and still get to enjoy the rush and excitement playing video slot or other great casino games. No doubt online gambling has come a long way, and here at New casino, our goal is to ensure that you have enough information on the best new online casinos you want to visit. We take pride in only recommending the best of the best. about us

Why this site is needed

There are new online casinos launching on a regular basis and more and more people are using these sites. If you look at the numbers showing the amount of revenue generated by these online casinos, you will clearly see that it amounts to billions of £ every year and the numbers are still on the rise. There are various reasons as to why people are opting to embrace these new online casinos. One significant reason why gamblers in the UK are playing online is that they are able to enjoy the very entertaining and interacting environment of this online casinos which offers them even more excitement and stimulation. Not to mention the fact that it is easier for a player to go onto these sites and immediately start playing a game of their choice than for them to make a trip real-world casino, which makes it a more comfortable option. Also, there is the added advantage of being able to play against different people from all over the world.

At, New Casino we have made it our business to help you check out and test these new online casinos, so that you can have quality information about the sites you should visit, what they offer as well as other relevant industry news.